Saturday, September 18, 2010

Jesus Blogs, Mum Blogs etc, and why I love the internet

   Sometimes when I can't think what to write about, I click on the "next blog" button to see what other bloggers are writing about. This has lead to some observations on the other types of blogs out there. There are three categories that keep popping up again and again, no matter how much I click the "next blog" button, because there appears to be a limitless supply of them. These three blog "genres" if you will, are as follows:

  1. Fashion blogs
  2. Jesus blogs
  3. Mum blogs
   Fashion blogs, I don't mind. Fashion is a guilty pleasure for me. Yes, I sit in my pyjamas with a duvet wrapped around me when I read them, but fashion is fantastic. I like to see what other people are wearing, where the trends are going, and what ridiculous (sorry, "edgy") outfit the designers are sending down the runway next. Fashion blogs, I don't mind so much. Particularly the really snarky ones that talk about ugly trends, because at least they're enjoyable to read.

   Jesus blogs, however, are much more common. They don't make snarky comments about ugly trends. Instead they quote scripture and tell us to love thy neighbour as thyself. If you've hit a good one, that is. Unfortunately, I seem to be coming across more of them which urge us to take action against stopping gay marriages and banning condoms. I guess because sometimes it would easier to protest against those than love thy neighbour, especially when thy neighbour decides to play loud music until two in the morning (unless of course, they invite me over to join in next time, in which case it's perfectly acceptable and I will stop complaining about it.) Look, I've got nothing against Christians, or Jesus, or any of that. I believe in God. It's just that I imagine if Jesus were here today, he probably wouldn't be trying to ban condoms or same-sex marriages. He'd be with the people. My point being, I'd quite like it if any Christian bloggers out there could start a blog that isn't so hateful, because if I came across more Jesus Blogs that don't have "homosexuality is a sin!" all over them,  straight as I am, I don't really want to read hateful-ness, ok? Ok. Yay. Coming across more good Jesus blogs would really make my day. :)

   Anyway, end of that rant, on to Mum Blogs. Mum Blogs are cute. Mum Blogs are sweet. Not quite to the point where they make me want to have kids of my own because childbirth scares me, and also I'm only eighteen. And yes, Pip's having a baby at my age, but Pip's mature and responsible enough to be able to handle that. I'd find it much more difficult than she's finding it. Anyway, Mum Blogs are the blogs that are all about their children, and aren't they growing up so fast, and awwwww. It's cute. They fill a purpose, too. It's a way of sharing their kids and their lives with friends and family all over the world. Which I think is sweetbix.

   Even if blogs are filled with fashion items I'd never look good in, or hateful messages about homosexuals, or lots and lots of pictures captioned, "these are my kids. Aren't they pretty? They're prettier than yours, anyway," the best thing about the internet is that we can all choose to express our opinions in this way. We can share our lives with the world. We can say what we want. And that, too, is pretty sweetbix.

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