Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Just some cool stuff in the internet that I've enjoyed lately

   I'm writing this now (1:25pm, 22nd February) because there's some stuff I want to contribute, but you know I'll probably put off posting it until post #100 is done. Because, as you may have guessed from post #97, I'm damn excited about post #100. And cool stuff is still happening on the internet, (as ever) so I just thought I'd share a few things with you.

   First of all, this post on parody website Christwire (essentially a Christian version of the satire news site, The Onion) about Skrillex, describing him as both a "homosexual satan wasp" and a "Gothic icon and lesbian fashionista." In a recent letter to Dom, who first brought this to my attention, I attempted to make an illustration to sum up the entire "article". As the writing in the original version is too small for it to show up clearly on this blog, I have attempted to recreate this for you in MS Paint.

I'd like to think my wasp drawing skills have improved since this monstrosity.

   You know why I love this so much? Because Skrillex is my guilty pleasure. Say what you want about his music, or whether or not you think it even qualifies as music. I could not give a damn. He's pocket sized, he's enthusiastic, and he's even partied with my brother, which makes him pretty top in my opinion. Also, this:


Spank the Monkey. I'm not very mature. Yes, I know it's old. Who cares. For those who haven't discovered this wildly inappropriately named game, it's a flash game hosted on

As for what I've been up to on Reddit... other than discovering the aforementioned Skrillex post, I've also come across this little subreddit yesterday: r/toosoon. A bit tasteless for some, but have a look anyway if you're interested.

Over the past day or so I've also been rereading some old Hyperbole and a Half posts. I talk about this blog a lot on here, so I'll just link to one of my favourite old, underrated posts.

Also, while I was on Ablino Black Sheep earlier playing Spank the Monkey, I rewatched this Cyanide and Happiness short. Be sure to watch after the credits, there's a nice little surprise.

SMALL UPDATE: Fuck it, I'm posting this anyway. I spent so long drawing that picture of the homosexual satan wasp in MS Paint that I decided I wanted to show off about it.

Updates, plus upcoming: Post #100!

   Holy wow, readers. I've just realised that we're almost at an important milestone in the life of Probably Not Sane. This is post #97. That means we're almost at post #100. And I feel I ought to do something special. But I'm not quite sure what. I originally thought of linking to all the more quality posts I've created in the last year and a half, but then I figured, that's shit. Why would I do that to you guys? That's not even new content or anything. I needed some better ideas.

   I then outsourced idea-production to my friends, because I was all but ready to give up. This is an appropriate time for some Facebook self promotion.

   Yes, there is a page on Facebook for Probably Not Sane that you can like, if you so desire. 19 people have liked it already. Here's the link.

   If you prefer your Probably Not Sane on Facebook experiences to be more interactive, I also have a group, Fans of Probably Not Sane. It's a public group, so if you want to contribute, all you have to do is request to join, and I promise I'll let you, unless you are actively stalking me and planning to murder me. Even then I will probably accept you anyway.

   The reason I am bringing this up is because I want the readers to have a say in what I do for such momentous occasions for this. Thus far I have had the following suggestions:

  • An audio recording of a dramatic reading of My Immortal. (I'm already planning to do this, but would prefer to do it with friends, notably Scott and Dom, to have a greater variety of voices for the different "characters." Rest assured this will most likely happen, but not by post #100. Seriously, that fanfic is nearly fifty chapters long.)
  • A guest post. I briefly considered this, possibly getting Dom onboard, because I think he's probably a better writer than I am. I've since changed my mind on the idea of a guest post for this, but I still would like a contribution. Also, remember last guest post, when Gareth wrote about weird porn? Yeah, I'm a little cautious about doing that again. He didn't even provide any links, and I wasn't too keen to go hunting for them myself.
  • Something awesome. Well, that's kinda the point, but thanks. :)

   Also, as you may have noticed from the Facebook pages, Probably Not Sane has a new temporary logo, consisting mostly of some of my favourite pictures I've had on this blog. I'd like to incorporate it somewhere on this page, but the background is already a mess and I want to change that first. I have a lot of improvements I want to make to this blog, so hopefully you should see all that change soon. Also, the logo was done in a rush. I might make an improved version. I probably should, I mean look at this.

I feel like I used to do a better job with MS Paint :/

   Anyway, I've got just a few more pieces of news for you.

1. I've got a big trip coming up. I'm going to Dunedin in the next week or so because my brother's down from Auckland and I really want to see him again. After that I'm heading to Christchurch, then Nelson for a cousin's wedding, then back down south via the west coast. Hopefully some adventures will happen so I'll have more material for my blog.

2. I think I promised a possible ongoing fiction series to be added to here. I'll admit, I'm kinda working on that, but the main story I'm writing at the moment is vaguely based on William's life, and I won't even let him read it yet, and I happen to know he stalks my blog. (Hey William, nice to see you again, and oh, I'm baking you some brownies right now. Hopefully this time I get them to you before my mum gets into them again. Love you.) Also, by based on William's life, I mean very, very loosely based. I don't want people to read it and get all offended or anything. I've mostly just made shit up. So yeah, I'm going to need to start on a new story if I am to upload it to here. But what do you guys think about the possibility of an ongoing fiction series?

   Anyway, I'm sorry this was more informative than entertaining, but if you'll excuse me, I'm going to record part one of my dramatic reading of My Immortal.

   Leave a comment or contact me through the pages listed above if you have any feedback/criticism/ideas. I really want to make this awesome for you all. Thanks to everyone who's stuck by me for the past 97 posts. I'm so grateful.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Bellez gets all fashion blog on you

   So I'm not going to pretend I'm the most fashion conscious person on blogger. I mean, hey, you remember this, right? Though to be honest, I got all self conscious before my Skype date with Dom and got all pretty instead. I almost feel like I've betrayed my readers. At least he was happy.

If it makes you feel any better, I still was wearing my leopard pants.

   However, there are a few trends that I honestly don't understand. One of these used to be drop-crotch pants. Seriously, no one wants to look like they're sagging in the crotch region, or wearing a diaper. Or whatever. And then what happened? This happened.

Note the crotch around my knees.
   I got a pair of leopard print drop crotch pants and now feel the need to defend myself.

   First of all, I have not yet worn these in public, but mostly in the privacy of my own home. Secondly, they are comfortable. I'll be honest, in that photo, they look like pyjamas, and I have used them as such. In reality, they're more fitted around the waist, making my hips look large, but my waist comparatively tiny. Which is good. Thirdly, they are made from a soft, flowy fabric. I still have a hate for fitted drop crotch pants made from denim. All the unflattering implications of a drop crotch, none of the comfort.

   So I have chosen to focus on other trends I dislike, with the help of the wonderful website, Polyvore.

   First of all, I want to talk about mullets. Not the awful hairstyles, though I have noticed some people getting this haircut "ironically." (In that case, I'm going to ironically sit around in my pyjamas and eat cake all day, because that's also unattractive. Right?) No, I'm talking about the mullet hemline, or, as the shops selling you this gaff would prefer to call it, asymmetrical hemline. Here's an example I made of the best and worst of mullet hemlines.

   In the interests of keeping an open mind, some of these examples are almost wearable. I think the red one in the top row would look pretty cool if you were dancing, and the rest are flowy enough that they almost (almost) look pretty in a floaty, dreamy sort of way. But then I remember that I live in the south island and the sort of skirts that are floaty and dreamy can only be worn for approximately two weeks of the year in which the weather is warm enough. Call me biased. The three dresses in the middle row are all unflattering shapes to begin with before they got mulleted. Look at that grey thing. It's a glorified hessian sack. In grey. The dress at the end isn't strictly a mullet dress, but the hemline isn't symmetrical so there is that. I guess all I can say about mullet hemlines is that I'm probably just envious of people living in a warmer climate.

   And no, Auckland does not count as "warmer."

   Now, let's talk hair. Hair is the bane of my life. I have a lot of it. It's thick, it's long, and it's coarse, so it tangles easily. Thank god for conditioner and hair straightners. It's also made me paranoid about my hair always looking messy. For a long time, I tolerated the trend of the messy bun. Mostly because that's all my hair would ever be should I try to put it in a bun. But not the trend has moved on to ballet top knots and big ass buns and it must be stopped now. You know who suit ballerina top knots? BALLERINAS. If you are not a ballerina, please stop. It's doing your face little favours. Again, an example.

You don't have to do this to yourself!

   There are so many wonderful hair trends right now! We don't have to resort to the top knot! Heck, we don't even have to resort to the messy bun if you don't want to. Look at this beautiful example of better things you can do with your hair.

No top knots. Please. This is simple. Beautiful. Effortless looking, even if its a little less effortless to do, mostly because I am not gifted with a talent for using bobby pins and hair spray correctly.

Well this was my simplified attempt at the stylish hair the redhead above has. I told you I'm not gifted. AT LEAST IT'S NOT A TOP KNOT.

    Even a hat. A headband. Anything but the dreaded topknot.

   Finally, to end on a positive note, a fashion trend that I love in this horribly cold part of the world. After all, I still intend to move to Dunedin, where the rain is horizontal. SWEATERS! I'm not talking about the flimsy, super thin, knitted, trendy pieces of garbage you'll find at your local Dotti or Jay Jays here. I've got t shirts more substantial than those. That's all very well for people in warmer climates wanting to do a layered look without sweating to death. There's no fear of sweating to death in Dunedin in the winter. Layering is essential to prevent death-by-hypothermia. I'm talking grandma-knitted-it style, thick, warm sweaters. Like this.

   Add some long johns, thick pants, gumboots, hat, scarf, gloves, mega thick trench coat and a sturdy umbrella and I could almost survive a Dunedin winter. Indoors.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Distances and Times

   So this is probably the last "Valentines Day special" post I'll write for this year, I promise. I just thought what with all the whining about being alone for the day it would be nice to actually do something romantic, so I thought I'd put up some lyrics I wrote for Dom.

   Happy Valentines Day, darling.

Distances and Times

I haven't calculated distances and times
Only costs of flights
It makes me smile to think that you are mine
But I'm afraid to see you beneath the lights

I think that you're needing me
As much as I've ever needed you

It's just another night of falling asleep alone
Even when my bed is built for two
Another morning waking up without you
My window shows another view
It's just another day of trying to stay busy
To keep it from my mind
The only thing that gives me hope with this kind of existence
Is knowing that, somewhere, you are mine

I can't see the rooms you now belong in
All I can see is rain
I can't see much yet beyond my longing
So I figure it must be worth the pain

I think that you're needing me
As much as I've ever needed you

It's just another night of falling asleep alone
Even when my bed is built for two
Another morning waking up without you
My window shows another view
It's just another day of trying to stay busy
To keep it from my mind
The only thing that gives me hope with this kind of existence
Is knowing that, somewhere, you are mine

Valentine's Day 2012 Part 2: Expectations vs Reality

   The internet has let me down already. I keep coming across sites telling me what I should and should not be wearing tomorrow for my "hot Valentines date."

   You know what I'm planning to wear on my hot date with the internet? These babies.

Yes, they have a drop crotch, in case my genitals needed a cool breeze.

   These are a recent purchase from my favourite store in all the world, Yaks and Yetis. Well, the clearance store, to be exact. Yes, they look a little like pyjamas. Yes, I high ride them on my waist and tend to tuck my shirt into them. Yes, they are leopard print. Yes, they make my hips look huge. On the other hand, they make my waist look tiny, my thighs feel free, and they're the most comfortable pants in the world. I'll probably combine them with a baggy and probably filthy tshirt, and wrap myself in a duvet, completing the fashion forward look.

   That, however, is not what all the fashion blogs suggest I do.

   Even Reddit is no longer immune. Here are some examples: 1, 2, 3.

   And when I Googled it, well... Here ya go.

   So I decided to use Polyvore to compare Valentines Day according to the fashion blogs to Valentines day in reality for all the single people/people in long distance relationships/people who couldn't give a damn.



According to Polyvore, that tshirt cost $129. I'll have you know mine was free. My little brother gave it to me.

Less than Romantic: Valentines Day 2012

   Do y'all remember last year's Valentines Day post? I hope so, it was one of my crowning achievements on this blog. Last year was also the first time I'd ever celebrated Valentine's Day properly. I baked my boyfriend a pavlova (which is not easy, I had bigger arm muscles than he did by the end of it) and we had a lovely romantic time. Also he read the post and not only made me a handmade card with a stick figure and a heart but he even drew Pak 'n' Save man for me. He's not very creative but at least he read my blog.

   Anyway, he's about to move to Canada to be with some girl he met there (I didn't like to ask the details. I bet she wouldn't bake him a pavlova though) and the guy I'm seeing at the moment is in Auckland so I'm feeling even more cynical about the holiday this year.

   Cue the snarky blog post.

   So this year, I decided to write about bad Valentines Day ideas. You know how all the other blog posts will be giving you fun tips about date ideas? Unless of course you're reading's analysis of poor romantic advice. Well guess what? I'm going to be by myself on Valentines Day and I couldn't give a fat rat's ass if someone cuts my sandwiches into heart shapes. In fact, I'm going to struggle to resist the temptation to bitch at smug couples grinding all up on one another in public because dammit, it's Valentines Day and they're "in love." So I decided instead to create a list of every sickening thing smug couples will be doing tomorrow that will not only get on my nerves, but ultimately prove to not be that romantic at ALL.

1. Really poorly edited photos of the happy couple

   It's bad enough that these unflattering tributes to true love are created. But the best bit is when they're posted all over Facebook so everyone can see just how darn in love they are. I think I'll be retreating to Reddit tomorrow. Now, because I love my readers dearly and couldn't get through this without providing an example, I made this on FotoFlexer.


2. Excessive PDAs

   I'm not averse to a public display of affection or two, depending on the context. In fact, it can be downright beautiful. However, some guidelines:

  • For the love of god and all that is holy, if you have sex in public, please do not let me see you. I'm slowly running out of eyeball bleach, and I kinda want to save it for the important things. Like this ugly dress.
  • Please do not force PDAs on your partner. It's awkward to watch.
  • Please do not become a traffic hazard while performing a public display of affection.
  • Please do not get offended by anyone telling you to "get a room." They are likely also alone for Valentines Day.

3. What's as bad as flashing your genitals in public? Flashing your money.

   Please. This is a Valentines Day date. This is not your wedding. Do not hire a helicopter. Or a horse-drawn carriage. Even if you can afford it. (Though seriously, who can in this economic climate?)

4. Do not feel sorry for me

   Yes I'll be spending my Valentines Day alone. I might get a skype date with Dom, I might go hang out with my other lonely friends. I might stuff my face with cake. Who cares. Just don't try to rub it in my face how terrible it must be for me to spend it by myself. Cake is delicious, and Reddit is the only hot date I need (or can get) this February 14th.

Happy Valentines Day everyone!