Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hope You're Happy

   Man, I've got to stop writing sarcastic, bitchy poetry to get me through the day. At least it's mildly entertaining to read. This poem is dedicated to all the crazy-ass ex-girlfriends in the world. Put the knife down, sweetheart.

Well I'll be honest
I've heard all about you
And he tells me
I'm far more attractive than you

Thing is, you're rubbish in bed
And messed up in the head
And that's why he still will not talk to you

Sad thing is, I used to be like you
So naive, I'd believe
That there was nothing for me to do
The world's a sad place
When the world hates your face
But at least I wear it much better than you do

No hard feelings, I see you've moved on
But I really don't want to get along
Your new boyfriend's a prick
Bet he's got a small dick
And he can't even go at it that long

I promise this isn't even written about anyone specific, I'm too forgetful to be bitter. It just amused me at the time.

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