Saturday, January 7, 2012

Assorted Thoughts

   So tonight my internet's down, which means I can't mess around on Reddit and Facebook until three in the morning. I can't sleep, my little brother's stopped txting me back, and I've already watched The Lion King three times in a row, and played solitaire until it's almost all I can think about. So I decided instead to be productive and revisit and add to this old blog post that I started writing probably around July last year. Enjoy.

  • Slightly amused by the writing on the desk on the study room I’m working on. There’s a lovely message written on it: “Just be yourself!” “But what if I’m a toaster?” That would be a terrible situation to be in.

  • I hate sour cream and chives flavoured chips- unless they’re grain waves, their sour cream and chives is amazing. There is no point to sour cream and chives Pringles, however. It’s all the anticipation of a delicious Pringle with all the disappointment of sour cream and chives flavour.

  • How much of the internet is porn? Actually? I've heard estimates that its over 75%. Holy wow, that is a lot of titties. Pornography is such a huge industry that it's entirely possible that someone I know is in it. I don't ever want to find out though.

  • Oh my goodness my legs are hairy. Shaving legs is probably the most tedious thing in the world and I will refuse to do it if possible. Thank god for pale body hair, because at least that helps diguise the fact that I have a veritable Amazonian jungle growing upon my legs. I've been hiding them with tights and jeans lately, but they're looking pretty scummy at the moment. I'll have to shave them soon. Damn.

  • I think I prefer being a blogger than being a vlogger. Before I started Probably not Sane I briefly contemplated vlogging instead, but between editing  and trying to find the time and also reliable technology (both of which I am really bad at) I decided blogging would be easier. Plus I am self concious and would spend forever trying to make myself look prettier for my vlog. You don't have to look pretty when you're blogging. Right now I'm wearing a shirt that does not fit correctly, no makeup, hair needs a wash, and as I've mentioned above, my legs are very hairy because I hate shaving them. Also I'm in my bedroom which is a complete mess. There is nothing sexy about this.

  • I feel like I should post a recent picture of me looking attractive so I can prove that I'm not a total slob. Here ya go. This is me on New Year's.
Yeah, the room's still a mess in the picture but it's not my room so it's ok.

  • Why the fuck did I start playing solitaire again? It's not even remotely entertaining. I mean, I could play Minesweeper instead.
  • I'm not very good at Minesweeper. That's why I'm playing solitaire.

  • Why on earth are the neighbours letting off fireworks? It is 2:42 in the morning. Looks like I won't be sleeping tonight. I can't even see the fireworks very well from my bedroom window either.

  • It's been a while since I've done posts full of MS Paint pictures. I don't use it as often as I used to, and I haven't been on Paint Avant Garde since July or so. I really should create something .

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