Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Just some cool stuff in the internet that I've enjoyed lately

   I'm writing this now (1:25pm, 22nd February) because there's some stuff I want to contribute, but you know I'll probably put off posting it until post #100 is done. Because, as you may have guessed from post #97, I'm damn excited about post #100. And cool stuff is still happening on the internet, (as ever) so I just thought I'd share a few things with you.

   First of all, this post on parody website Christwire (essentially a Christian version of the satire news site, The Onion) about Skrillex, describing him as both a "homosexual satan wasp" and a "Gothic icon and lesbian fashionista." In a recent letter to Dom, who first brought this to my attention, I attempted to make an illustration to sum up the entire "article". As the writing in the original version is too small for it to show up clearly on this blog, I have attempted to recreate this for you in MS Paint.

I'd like to think my wasp drawing skills have improved since this monstrosity.

   You know why I love this so much? Because Skrillex is my guilty pleasure. Say what you want about his music, or whether or not you think it even qualifies as music. I could not give a damn. He's pocket sized, he's enthusiastic, and he's even partied with my brother, which makes him pretty top in my opinion. Also, this:


Spank the Monkey. I'm not very mature. Yes, I know it's old. Who cares. For those who haven't discovered this wildly inappropriately named game, it's a flash game hosted on

As for what I've been up to on Reddit... other than discovering the aforementioned Skrillex post, I've also come across this little subreddit yesterday: r/toosoon. A bit tasteless for some, but have a look anyway if you're interested.

Over the past day or so I've also been rereading some old Hyperbole and a Half posts. I talk about this blog a lot on here, so I'll just link to one of my favourite old, underrated posts.

Also, while I was on Ablino Black Sheep earlier playing Spank the Monkey, I rewatched this Cyanide and Happiness short. Be sure to watch after the credits, there's a nice little surprise.

SMALL UPDATE: Fuck it, I'm posting this anyway. I spent so long drawing that picture of the homosexual satan wasp in MS Paint that I decided I wanted to show off about it.

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