Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sorry for the Delay in more Enjoyable Content

   I've been rather busy, what with having Sarah staying with me in Queenstown (fun times) and studying for my exams (lol, I'm a liar) and actually doing my exams (one of them, anyway. I've got my Drama one left to do) and being a lazy person (and by lazy, I mean, hey, let's see what's happening on Reddit today! And next thing you know it's 3am and you've done nothing productive.) So that's been stopping me make any quality posts. Sorry.

   I would prefer to make a small number of quality (Christmas in October whores notwithstanding) posts rather than regular updates of rubbish, so I can assure you that I've hopefully got some stellar posts on the way. Maybe even some traumatic childhood memories. Maybe even with some MS Paint pictures. Who knows, I might find the motivation because I care about quality content that much.

Anyway, yeah, cool stuff coming soon. Writing time!


  1. i just read about ten of your.... i dont know what they're called.... blogs? then realised the power puff girls were on on cartoon network..... guess what im doing now! :p

    even though im anonymous, im sure you can figure out who i am. and correct for me for all my grammatical mistakes :p

  2. Is that you, Mikey?

    Ok, here's your correction.

    I just read about ten of your- I don't know what they're called- blogs? Then I realised that the Power Puff Girls were on on Cartoon Network. Guess what I'm doing now! :P

    Even though I'm anonymous, I'm sure you can figure out who I am, and correct for me for all my grammatical mistakes :P
