Wednesday, August 4, 2010

First post- sorry but you'll be disappointed

   You weren't hoping this was going to be thrilling at all, were you?

   Of course not. As I don't have any followers yet. I won't get any followers until I start posting, pretty much, but I don't really know what to post until I get some followers? Ok, that made way more sense in my head.

   So I guess I should start by telling you about myself?

   Ok. Um. Yeah.

   My name is Annabel. Some people call me Bellez. Which is pronounced "bells" not "bell-ez"- I am pointing this out only because someone at my school came up to me the other day and called me Bell-ez. And I didn't actually know what he was talking about. I believe this was a direct result of people living their life on the internet nowadays.


   Speaking of awesome, I live in New Zealand. No, we do not run around in grass skirts, no, we are not part of Scandinavia (as some clueless tourists have presumed, bless them) and yes, we have an abundance of sheep.

   I'm 17 years old, soon to be 18 (in a month! wow!) which means I better get used to maturity, adulthood, and other things I do not fully understand the concept of. Haven't a clue what I'm going to be doing for my 18th birthday. Everyone I know is all like, "go clubbing Bell-ez!" but I don't know. I don't think I really want to. I can't even be bothered going out anywhere at the moment. I just seem to go to school, and on the weekends, stay at home on the internet. Again, awesome, but I start to miss the outside world sometimes.

   I'm adopted. Yeah, I know my birthfamily, it was an open adoption, so I've always known them. I've got four half brothers, only one of which speaks to me on a regular basis. He probably idolises me. This is somewhat of a concern, but he's pretty awesome, too. I've grown up as an only child, however, and I credit this for my, ahem, "oddities".

   I am afraid of windows. Why? Well, it may seem irrational, but it could (kind of) make sense, I guess. You see, my bed is right against the window, and I used to always be terrified that someone was going to come through my window in the middle of the night and kill me in my sleep. Obviously, this never happened (what with me still being alive, etc) but I'm still wary of that window, and always always always sleep with my back to it, as it makes me feel safer. I mean, if we're going to think logically here (what does that even mean?) then I'm no safer just because my back's to the window, but out of sight, out of mind, perhaps.

   I enjoy eating cheese. I do not understand how anyone cannot enjoy eating cheese (unless you have an allergy, or other such thing that prevents you from eating cheese) because cheese = true love. It is like bacon, or chocolate raisins. Words cannot express the love I have for these foods. Apparantly eating cheese is supposed to be a really bad thing to do before going to bed, because it is hard to digest and so gives you nightmares, but I always get hungry just before I go to bed, so I open the fridge, and there is that damn cheese, just staring me, saying "eat me." So no wonder I'm terrified of windows, after eating all that cheese.

   I was going to say something exciting to end this post, but honestly, it's nearly dinner time, and my mind is only on food at the moment, so again, you'll have to be disappointed.


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