Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I am an artiste

   So I've basically been spending the past month or so in Dunedin, staying at a place with no internet whatsoever because some dickhead stole the router a while ago.

   What do you do with a laptop but no internet?


   Enjoy these lovely artworks I made for you. Because I care.

   Warning: there may be some naughty words ahead.

Evolution in Action

Go Sit in the Naughty Corner and Think About What You've Done

True Love

Look Guys I Made Some Art (It says fuck, by the way. Very profound.)

This Ferret Only Has Three Legs

Fabulous at any Size

Mr Mayonnaise

Poptarts: A Review

   In the middle of nowhere, somewhere in the ocean, is a small nation consisting of several islands, called New Zealand (or Aotearoa if you would like to be politically correct) which has an abundance of sheep, super slow internet, and now L&P flavoured white chocolate, which kinda tastes like you left the orange in your lunchbox next to your white chocolate bar and now they taste a little like each other but not in a good way, plus it has popping candy in it because the L&P drink, for all my foreign readers, is carbonated.

What has this got to do with anything? Well, living in a small island nation in the middle of nowhere (slightly south of Australia, in fact) we don't have anything. At all. It all has to come from here (hence L&P and sheep) or be imported, which makes everything really really expensive. If you're lucky. If companies even want to export to a tiny island nation in the middle of nowhere. I'm looking at you, Hostess. When twinkies went extinct, we didn't even know about them.

This also makes it a huge novelty when something the rest of the world takes for granted, (say, Doritos, actually fast broadband, and of course, Poptarts) becomes finally available here.

And yes kiwis, Poptarts are now available in New Zealand.

Poptarts are a breakfast food, apparently. So's anything you eat in the morning though, be it cereal, pancakes, or sheep's eyeballs. But I digress. I knew Poptarts were sugary and unhealthy. But upon actually trying one, I have come to one conclusion: Poptarts are the closest that New Zealanders can get to finally having candy for breakfast. And it being legit.

It's practically all the food groups: sugar, fat, and pink.
Holy ever loving fuck are Poptarts sugary.

So in vaguely related news, I've been in Dunedin for the past month or so, and one person I've been seeing plenty of is the lovely, and very American Gareth McMullen.

You know.  The one who keeps submitting all the titty pics and dick jokes to this blog.

He described Poptarts as being as if Jesus, both Queen Elizabeths, Buddha and the third emperor of Mexico were all to have a gang bang in your mouth: you aren't quite sure if it's good or bad but at the very least, it's an interesting and memorable experience. With a description like that, we definitely needed to make that trip to the supermarket so he could take my Poptart virginity. Pop my cherry flavoured Poptart if you will. We chose cherry flavoured because those and the wildberry ones were the only flavours left, as most of Dunedin had discovered the novelty of this new product already, despite the exorbitant price. ($10 for a box, daylight robbery!)

We skipped home. We put the Poptarts in the toaster. I put the Poptart in my mouth. I instantly developed type 2 diabetes.

It was kinda like an artificially flavoured cherry-filled cookie with sickeningly sweet pink icing that was still warm from the toaster. My mind was not blown. Neither Queen Elizabeths were gang banged in my mouth. It wasn't unpleasant (if a little too sugary) but it didn't really live up to the hype either.

New Zealand: this is my recommendation to you. Don't waste your money on Poptarts, you will probably be disappointed and seriously man you could buy several bags of Doritos with the $10 you didn't spend on Poptarts. Remember when we first got Doritos here? And how excited you were? Those things are still fucking tasty.

Or have a salad and go for a jog, you know. To each their own.